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29th Annual Children's Surf Fishing Tournament

September 13th, 2025


      Sept 2024 28th Annual Children's Surf Fishing Tournament results       ***************************************************************

Thank you all who donated to this event past and present. The weather was perfect, sunny, warm 71 degrees with a light N.E. breeze...57 kids signed up, [not bad considering event was canceled last year]. As in the past, the kids ranging in age from 16 to 1 ½ years old, plus their parents learned basic Knot Tying and Lure-ID. Also on hand was the NJ Fish & Wildlife teaching the various fish that may be caught this day from the beach. Their staff also were on the beach collecting data on some of the fish that were caught and released.

       The Seaside Park Volunteer Fire Co. #1 brought out their Beach Rescue truck with the Ocean Rescue Wave Runner. The two firemen, taught everyone the dangers of Rip Currents and Ocean Safety. Not a lot of fish were caught this year, only 9 entries were received. The biggest being a Bluefish that measured 17 1/2” and the smallest being a Snapper Blue measuring 4 1/4” and winning a donated $50.00 Gift Card from Bass Pro Shops. Two other Bluefish were entered along with 1 Stargazer and 4 Cow-Nosed Stingrays. 11 Trophies along with $25.00 gift cards and combos of 9` & 6` were given to the winners. The young man who landed the largest fish walked away with 3 trophies: first place in his age category, the largest fish, and the first fish caught. Ajob well done by all the winners. Please visit our website www.njbba.org often and click on Charitable Events for more details and photos of the winners and of all our Events. We, the New Jersey Beach Buggy Association hope our Sponsor's will continue with this event in 2025                                                                                                                             Thank You, Ken Hollins #23...Event Director/Chairman              



28th Annual Children's Surf Fishing Tournament 


***27th Annual Children’s Surf Fishing Tournament***

September 17th, 2022


      updated September 30, 2022

NJBBA Youth Fishing Tournament Results

NJBBA held the 27th annual Youth fishing tournament at Island Beach Park on Saturday September 17th. The entries included 59 young anglers who caught 11 legal fish. Over 100 undersized fish were released back into the Atlantic. Each participant went home with a door prize of their choice. Trophy winners are listed clicking below:

 2022 Youth Tourney Results




2022 Pictures