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  Toms River South HS Fishing Indians


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May 18 2025

The 34nd Annual Governor’s Surf Fishing Tournament will be held at Island Beach State Park on Sunday, May 18 from 6:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.! Register early to save on adult registration fees, be eligible for additional prizes and head directly to the beach on tournament day. Early registration can be completed online or by mail.

Prizes will be awarded in age and species categories and the individual who catches the largest fish will win the Governor’s Trophy. An awards ceremony will take place from 1:30 p.m. to 2 p.m.

For tournament rules and registration Click below:

NJ Governors cup


If you would like to be a judge and not fish contact:


Ken Hollins #23    Supervisor of Judges




Register now to fish in Annual Governor’s Surf Fishing Tournament! Enjoy fishing with your family and friends on Island Beach State Park’s beautiful beaches. Register early to save on registration, be eligible for additional prizes and head directly to the beach the day of the tournament!

Visit the NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife for more information, including all winners since 1992, for the Governor's Surf Fishing Tournament. Read all the requirements carefully to be able to participate.

Registration/ tickets: click

The event i s sponsored by the NJDEP, Division of Fish and Wildlife, Division of Parks and Forestry, the New Jersey State Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs, the Jersey Coast Anglers Association, and the New Jersey Beach Buggy Association.

Along with the tournament prizes offered, the registration forms of pre-registrants and same-day entrants are placed into special drawings for additional prizes.



May 2024 results

This years President Cup was no different from the past as the fish take the day off. Bill Mackintosh had 18 register at IBSP and there were no fish caught. Carl Hartman had 6 register at LBI and we have a winner this year. A congratulations is in order for Paul Karner #5481 for winning this year's Presidents Cup! Paul caught a 17-inch Tog to win, nice job Paul! Paul will receive a NJBBA jacket with the title " 2024 Presidents Cup Winner " and a new fishing reel which will be presented at our Annual Banquet on March 8, 2025. In the past we had fisherman compete on Brigantine and Corson’s inlet, there hasn't been an interest in those areas lately. If anyone would like to fish the Presidents Cup in Brigantine or Corson’s inlet or be able to chair the event at those places by taking registration and such, please get in touch for next year.







2019 Governs Cup


Anglers enjoyed a beautiful day fishing the Governor’s Surf Fishing Tournament at Island Beach State Park on Sunday. John Kolacy won the Tournament with a 37 ½”striped bass and Toms River South High School won the High School Team Category with a 26 ¼” bluefish! By Robert Conover Jr.


Click to watch video below
NJBBA and NJ Division of Wildlife 2019 Governors Cup